Sterling Tool Works: Tools by craftsmen for craftspeople

Sterling Tool Works is a part time endeavor, but its very rewarding especially when such excellent craftspeople provide feedback about Sterling tools.  One such talented person, Kieran Binnie a luthier from the United Kingdom wrote a wonderful review on the Saddle-Tail dovetail marker.  Kieran is breaching out this summer to learn dovetails and do other woodworking, I was honored with his purchase as one of his newest tools!

Check out Kieran’s full review Here  and link to his excellent blog!  Some of my favorite quotes: I have some tools which do their job so perfectly, and have been made with such craftsmanship, that I can’t help but recommend them.”

“The brass body, is flutted for ease of picking up off the edge of a board and the curves of the fluting have a lovely feel in the hand.”

“I cannot recommend the Saddle-Tail too highly… If, like me, your tools are an expression of the values of craftsmanship which we all seek to put into our own work, then this is the perfect addition to your tool chest.”

Well said Kieran, Its the Vision of Sterling Tool Works; Craftsmen like you inspire us with your work and I in turn want to provide tools that embody your spirit.  You have provided so perfectly a new condensed tag line; Tools by Craftsmen for Craftspeople!  Thank you so much for your review!

Kieran Saddle-Tail

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